We were featured in Houzz (How to Whip Your Baking Center Into Shape)
Houzz Article: How to Whip Your Baking Center Into Shape
We were one of 7 architects and/or builders featured in this article. Thanks Houzz!
Organize Your Supplies, Organize Your Kitchen
From Saikley Architects Project: Cottage Kitchen in Berkeley
After you’ve pared down your ingredients and supplies, you can organize your space. Keep your most-used items in the front for easy access. If space allows, storing your bakeware vertically, using something similar to a pot lid organizer, will provide you with a clear view and easy retrieval. Otherwise, nest your bakeware. Seasonal items can take a backseat if they’re used only once a year. Organize according to how you use your items so that your baking spot works best for you.
View the full Houzz project: Berkeley Cottage Kitchen
See our featured image below.
Thanks to Houzz for featuring other Saikley Architects projects: Sunnyvale, CA Modern Ranch, Waste & Recycling Ideas, Best Balconies 2021, Declutter Your Home.
Saikley Architects is a holistic SF Bay Area architecture firm. Saikley Architects has done over 300 projects in 35 cities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our design spans modern to historic; single family homes, multi-family, childcare centers, commercial and industrial site development. Our architectural firm is located in the SF Bay Area in Alameda, California.